Yankee wins
We have had 4 from 4 on the Yankee, on fourty five separate occasions since August 2018.
Scoop 6 wins
Won the Scoop 6 Bonus on 12th November 2022 for £308k.
Won the Scoop 6 5 times with our latest wins on 12th November 2022 for a share of £33k and 5th November 2022 for a share of £142k.
Also winners of hundreds of Scoop 6 Placepots.
Jackpot wins
Won £20,000 (Split)
Won Jackpot of £494,000 (split)
Won Jackpot of £10,000
Won Jackpot of £5,000
(We only play when Jackpot Pool is over £15,000)
Also winners of multiple Placepots
Welcome to JPW Scoop 6 Club
Welcome to the JPW Scoop 6 Club, Jackpot/Placepot Club and Yankee Club. After 3 years of running the Scoop 6 club on a smaller scale, at JPW Racing Tipster, it was time to put something together on a bigger and better scale.
As of 24 July 2017 the JPW Scoop 6 was launched. We have put together a team of experts which cannot be rivaled by other clubs.
We have JPW Racing Tipster from JPW Racing Tipster.com and when the kitty builds we bring into play some of our tipsters from Tipsters Empire.
Expert tipsters, who are up there with the best in the business when it comes to Horse Racing.
All have proven records and results which are recorded and independently proofed by a 3rd party. The praise and reviews from customers of the tipsters, are what sets this club apart from any other on the market.
If you want to be part of a club in the search to win the Scoop 6, then this is the one for you. All tipsters will come together each Saturday morning where three brains become one.
As well as the Scoop 6 Syndicate, we will also be running a Yankee Syndicate and Jackpot/Placepot Club.
How does JPW Scoop 6 work?
To buy shares/tips in any of our syndicates you simply use your accounts funds which can be seen when you log in to your account.
Once you create an account will have your own unique Log In and balance on your account.
If you have over £12.00 in your JPW Account you can use this to buy a share/tips.
We are the most professional Club on the market and we have no doubt that we will be winning the Scoop 6 again, just as we have done before.
All selections will be emailed before racing so you know exactly which horses to cheer home.